Wednesday 27 May 2015

'Project Intentions' Masters Year 2 (2015)

The project explores the untapped potential of higher education facilities and its responsibility to the city and its students. Can a university department building not only invest in its infrastructure, but additionally invest in its student’s future, the local community and the city as a whole? How can a building become a shared resource that for example marginalised people can plug into?

A growing trend within modern architecture, not just specific to Poland, is the use of defensive architecture. Homelessness could happen to anyone at any time – and certain events such as the death in a family, the breakdown of a marriage, job loss or drug and alcohol abuse can trigger a spiral of events that lead to someone living on the streets. In fact increased consumerism and an encouragement to spend on credit results in a society is potentially only a couple of pay packets away from living on the streets. Poverty is a separate parallel that can quite easily become someone’s reality; yet defensive architecture hides this fact.

Defensive architecture within urban environments is a cruel reminder of the society we live in. An obsession with private property is starting to control the cities that we live in. "As each and every leftover space becomes more and more designed so too does the control and circulation of the city" (Anna Minton) 

Conventional day centres and soup runs provide an essential resource to socially marginalised people. But despite being inclusive in many ways, they are often exclusive to parts of the marginalised community due to levels of fear and potentially violating users self-identify.

The question has to be asked is there is another way of addressing this increasing important problem? Could an urban university protect users identity’s freeing them from the stigma through spatial association, and provide resources free of fear for both the user and the provider?

This is the challenge that the project is trying to answer. Essentially can the boundaries be blurred between different user groups, such as students and the marginalised by participating in similar activities that are beneficial to both? Can the resources already embedded within a university ‘Social Science Department Building’ be utilised and tapped into?

'Final Presentation Boards' Masters Year 2 (2015)

'Project Design Devlopment' Masters Year 2 (2015)

'Tall Buildings Competition' Finalist